Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another mouth to feed, but so worth it!!!

We rescued another little kitty tonight!  We've named him Coy or Coy-Coy, after one of our other rescued kitties that died this last March.  He looks sooo much like the original Coy, even has the long back legs that were made for running and leaping.  Haven't had time to get back to the blog, as I thought I would.  Trying to make sure the little guy knows where the litter pan is!  Coy certainly knows where the food and water are.  He showed up at my in-laws three days ago. He was nothing but skin and bones and must have been dehydrated, as he drank 3 bowls of water in a short period of time!  Also gobbled down so much food, Mom said it looked like his belly was going to burst! 

Here's a cell phone picture of Doug and Coy this morning. 

The kitty looks like he's close to 5-6 months old, just about the time males start to spray if not neutered.  Someone just threw him away, like a piece of garbage, just so they wouldn't have to be inconvenienced!  If people can't accept the responsibility for a pet, they shouldn't have one to begin with.  These are living beings-God's creatures, dependant on us for their everything!  I'm sick to death of irresponsible people!  All those of you that agree with me, please leave a message!!!


  1. Hi Joy,
    I love cats, so I was thrilled to read about your rescue. We rescued a mommy cat and her kitten in the summer of 2009. Queenie had given birth to one kitten, Thomasina, in a pile of rocks in our backyard. We took them in, and now they are such a big part of our family. It is amazing how people just don't understand the commitment it takes, to care for an animal. I'm not sure if they are heartless, or just plain clueless! I'm so glad that there are people like you that dedicate your time to making a difference in these animals lives.
    Have a great day.

  2. What a good person you are! I am allergic to cats so would never be able to do something like this. You are very kind.

    Best wishes,

  3. Hi Joy!
    Little Coy is sooo cute! That is a good picture. I wish I could have taken him, but he is better off with you guys since he would have had to have been an outside cat here. He has been through too much already to have to suffer through a winter up here.
    Love this site! And love you too!


Hi! I have always love Christmastime, and hope to have given you a little "joy" with my posts! LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Each sweet comment is special and means a lot to me. See you next time!

