Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The time has at last arrived! The Christmas Party Blog Hop begins today. 

Just follow this link to add your blog to our Christmas Party!  The fun is being hosted by Jessa at A Holiday Haven.  Love her blog!!! 

Now, on to the party!  If you're into retro or vintage, the following should give you some ideas! (OMG-Oh, my goodness!)

I thought I'd show you some of the Christmas photos of my family and me as we were growing up, once we left home, and the families that we have surrounding us now.

                         THE BEGINNING

Mom and Dad in upper left hand corner. 
This card was from Dad to Mom on
their 1st Christmas together.

Mom and Dad at Grandma's when
they were "courting."
This card was from Mom to Dad
that first year together.
Both scrapbook pages were made
by my very own talented sister, Kathy!

Christmastime at Grandma's,
tho' I wasn't born yet! How about
that black and white television??? 
This photo was taken 
Christmas 1952.
 Mom and Dad's wedding picture
is on top of the TV.

Presents all unwrapped! 
My Aunt Sally gave either Grandma
or Mom a copy of her graduation picture. 
Looks like bathrobes and watches
were the thing to get. 
Dad got a hunting knife (I wonder
if he ever got that bear that was
chasing him?),
and Mom got pens (she can write
a really mean letter!).

Next installment will feature...ME! 
You're gonna just love it!   ROFL!!!



  1. Great post and a wonderful way to get in the holiday spirit! If you get a chance check out my Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories at - genealogy and family history bloggers are posting their Christmas memories.


  2. Such wonderful scrap book pages. Love the TV and vintage photos too. So interesting. Thanks so much for joining the party and adding the hop to your side bar!! :)

  3. Love the memories! Your blog is beautiful! Very nice to meet you and look forward to seeing more of your posts.

    Stop by and say hello!

    Jamie~your Innkeeper
    Applesauce Inn Bed & Breakfast


Hi! I have always love Christmastime, and hope to have given you a little "joy" with my posts! LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Each sweet comment is special and means a lot to me. See you next time!

