Saturday, July 23, 2011

Something Special: ANNOUNCING! A Giveaway and a Swap

Happy Saturday All!

I found this wonderfully creative person, Michele at Something Special today!  She honored me by following my Christmas blog recently, and I'm SO HAPPY to now be a follower, or a friend, of hers!  Her favorite vintage Christmas movie is White Christmas!  Mine too - check out my music selections at the bottom of my blog.

Michele's having a sweet giveaway to mark her 200th (WOW!) post, so check out the details at the link below!  I really hope I win - cool vintage items!  You must hurry, tho', as the drawing will be Monday, July 25!  Go on now, you know you want to!

Something Special: ANNOUNCING! A Giveaway and a Swap

While you're there, check out the post she has on her craft studio.  So very organized and...well, you just have to see all the wonderful things she has in it!

Take care and God Bless!  And, may all your Christmas be White!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Joy, for all the advertisement to my blog and my giveaway. I think you are the last entrant for the the goodies. Good luck and I will put your blog on my sidebar too.


Hi! I have always love Christmastime, and hope to have given you a little "joy" with my posts! LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Each sweet comment is special and means a lot to me. See you next time!

