Sunday, October 9, 2011

Santa Claus, Indiana aka Holiday World and Splashin' Safari

No, this isn't a commercial for Holiday World and Splashin' Safari!  They don't know I exist.  I just want to make everyone aware of Santa Claus, Indiana!

When I was about 10 or so, Mom and Dad took all of us kids to Santa Claus Land, as it was known then (early 1960s).  I vaguely remember a Santa, but the main thing I remember is the roller coaster.  It was a wooden one, and it went v-e-r-y   s-l-o-w-l-y.  It was more of a kiddie ride than anything else. I remember we all had a great time!

Things have changed in 40-50 years at Santa Claus Land.  It's got a new moniker and several roller coasters that rival those found at 6 Flags theme parks.

Santa Claus, Indiana is the only town in the WORLD with that name.  They have a post office that has the official cancellation stamp of Santa Claus and this little post office in inundated at Christmastime with letters to Santa.

I'd love to go there now!  They have a Christmas Store with lots and lots of things Christmas!

And, of course, SANTA!!!

(All photos are from the Santa Claus, Indiana or Holiday World and Splashin' Safari website.)

Sharing this with Maureen's Yuletide Seasonings Sundays with Santa!  Why don't you link up, too, and share your images of Santa!

Take care and God Bless!


  1. This a place I would love to go with my family!! Thanks for sharing, love it!

  2. Hi Joy,
    What a wonderful place this must be to visit. Love the Santa at the entrance, so cute. The store must be a hoot to shop in, as it looks pretty big. Thanks for sharing with us!


Hi! I have always love Christmastime, and hope to have given you a little "joy" with my posts! LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Each sweet comment is special and means a lot to me. See you next time!

