Thursday, December 1, 2011

1st Annual Pet Parade Dec1, 2011 - Jan 1, 2012

Bunny Jean's having a new party - showcasing our favorite photos of our faithful companions!


My bestest pal and buddy was my Penny-girl!  We got her when she was a baby - just old enough to leave her momma.  She was a typical Heinz 57, but the most loving and loyal puppy you ever saw!  She loved to take rides!  Whenever you mentioned "ride," her ears would perk up, her little tail would go a mile a minute, and her expressive eyes would brighten expectantly!  I had to have her put down when she was 15 years old.  She had so many things wrong with her. Her system was out of wack, electrolytes, too low a potassium level, etc., that the vet said he couldn't operate.  I tell you, it just about did me in.  She was my sweet little baby girl and I miss her! 

Here we are, taking a break from Christmas tree decorating about 20 years ago. 

The kitty in the background is my Wacky.  That's short for Pyewackett.  Pyewackett was too much of a mouthful, so he ended up being just plain Wacky.  I'd seen the movie Bell, Book, and Candle with Jimmy Stewart, Kim Novak, and Jack Lemmon, and fell in love with the name of Kim's cat.  I swore when I left home and was able to have pets, my first kitty would be named Pyewackett.  "Let it be written, let it be so!" {The last quote is from The Ten Commandments.  You can't tell I really like movies, can you? :)}
Take care and God Bless.


  1. Awww...Penny was such a pretty girl!! I know how heartbreaking it is to have to put down a precious companion! We had to do this a few years ago to our bestest buddy, Scamp. He was 13 yrs. old and that last week I spent with him was heartbreaking. I really believe we will see each other again some day. Little Wacky is a cutie too! Wonderful post and thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Joy! I am so glad you shared you story about Penny. It is true that your pet loves you no matter what. Those who do not know that love are missing a wonderful part of life.

    Yes... they can't stay with us here on Earth for very long, but they never leave our hearts.

    I teared up when writing about Weezie. Memories are so bitter sweet...

    Thanks for sharing at the Pet Parade. I always love hearing from you!

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Christmas Pet Parade

  3. What a cute party idea! Will have to visit it. Such a sweet post. Love wacky's name!

  4. Thanks, Gals, for stopping by! Love your comments!

  5. Sweet babies like that stay with us our whole life--I have many in my past! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Such sweet little babies... it is so very hard to lose them, but I truly believe they are always with us, close in our heart and by our side... xoxo Julie Marie and Tessy

  7. Yes they are forever in our hearts. Such beautiful babies and I know you gave them a wonderful life.


Hi! I have always love Christmastime, and hope to have given you a little "joy" with my posts! LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Each sweet comment is special and means a lot to me. See you next time!

