Thursday, December 1, 2011

Earth Wonders - FIRE

Hi Everyone!

I have to apologize to you all for not being around for awhile.  My Mom passed away on Halloween, and I've been having problems dealing with it.  I've also had some health problems, but that's always there! No excuse, right?  Anyway, I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things.

Ana's Earth Wonders photo challenge this week is FIRE. 

Click here...

I wish I had some actual "fire" photos, but I'm making do with this photo I took of a candle flame.  I think it turned out nicely!

You can join in, too!  Add your photos to flickr, then add to the linky party.  Check out all the details over at Ana's Wonderland blog.  You can either add your interpretation of this week's challenge there or here.  Everyone can vote on their favorite photo, starting Sunday December 4th.  You can't vote on your own, but your friends can! Spread the word!

Last week's winner was "Life in Pictures." Congratulations on a wonderful entry!

Take care and God Bless!


  1. Joy, I'm so so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. I can't even begin to imagine dealing with that and especially around the holidays. I'll pray for your healing.



  2. you're so sweet dear Joy :) didn't know this comfy corner of your home. really comfy. I love Christmas too. so much that I've been having a Xmas meal each week since November. every Thursday we make our lunch even more special. I've been publishing some photos of those days. today is one of those ;) brings back good memories, a little bit every week. your candlelight is beautiful. xxo

  3. Joy, I am so sorry to hear this very sad news. That's not good that you have been unwell too. I sure do hope that you are feeling a little better now. Do take care and look after yourself.

    Sending prayers and my very best wishes your way.


  4. Bless you, Natasha, thanks! See you blogland, that is! Wish I could come visit for Christmas! It's only 37 degrees here and my sister in Northern Indiana had a snowstorm Tuesday evening. They were without power for 26 hours! We got about an inch (in the first hour or so) then it quit. I'll have pictures soon.


Hi! I have always love Christmastime, and hope to have given you a little "joy" with my posts! LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Each sweet comment is special and means a lot to me. See you next time!

